Seasonality, respect for the cycles of nature, zero km, reduction of waste, are the rules of healthy and sustainable eating, and these are mandatory for every kitchen that wants to offer its guests something truly representative of the territory and its taste.
Enhancing the purity of flavors means choosing the excellences of the territory when nature makes them available, and manipulating them with respect to give the intensity and consistency of a true taste experience.

This is what we do in our kitchen, whether it’s breakfast, a light lunch on the terrace, or a romantic moonlit dinner.
Simplicity does not mean giving up a refined or elegant kitchen, but it means exalting the unique characteristics of each product that we are lucky enough to have available. Our Mediterranean coast is full of fresh food and possibilities, in a palette of flavors generously available for every chef that makes use of it to always create new paintings, made also of ancient wisdom and tradition.

All this is accompanied by a policy of reducing waste that has led us over time to identify realities in the area to which donate all food that invariably remains in the kitchen at the end of the day and that would be thrown away. Therefore, conscious sourcing, reduction of packaging and elimination of waste are the goals that every day all our kitchen and dining staff, together with our Guests, pursue to safeguard the environment and the culture of the territory.